Hi, i am still trying to install the 1.1.9 version of earsync, but after the download of new software update i can't install It. How It Is possibile? Please help me🙂
Hi, i am still trying to install the 1.1.9 version of earsync, but after the download of new software update i can't install It. How It Is possibile? Please help me🙂
Hello! I just bought headphones and I have a problem they do not reproduce the translation. None of the AI translations modes are played by voice. What could be the problem?
SUPER SALE: All I Want for Christmas is ActiveBuds! 🎄 Get ready for the most wonderful deal of the year! 🌟 Have you picked your favorite ActiveBuds for this holiday? 🎁 Promo Dates: December 7, ...
@LIN 感謝您的關注!我們非常重視客戶的隱私保護,所有資料都會嚴格保密。我們使用的是合法且正規的正版軟件,並遵守相關法律法規來保障您的個人資料安全。因此,您可以放心使用我們的產品和服務。非常感謝您對我們產品的支持!
To Our Beloved iKKO Community, In response to recent questions about privacy, we’d like to take this opportunity to provide a detailed explanation and assurance regarding how we protect your...
@LIN 感謝您的建議!我們會將您的需求反饋給技術研發部門,作為後續功能優化的參考。非常感謝您對我們產品的支持! Thank you for your suggestion! We will share your request with our technical development team as a ref...
@LIN 感謝您的關注!目前ActiveBuds的AI功能正在不斷迭代升級,新版本的相關資訊也會在第一時間公佈。請持續關注我們的官方平台,了解最新消息!
@Shayne Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience. The mobile version of GPT indeed supports real-time information retrieval through network access. However, our device integrate...
@LIN 我聽說他們有這個計劃。
Hiroki様@HIROKI この度は、弊社のActiveBudsをご購入いただき、誠にありがとうございます。また、このような問題が発生し、ご不便をおかけしましたこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。 Hiroki様のActiveBudsが水に濡れてしまい、ご心配な状況と存じます。製品の修理や保証対応を確認させていただくため、お手数ですが、以下の情報をご提供いただけますでしょうか?...