[Spotify] Usage Instructions

  • Please note that we currently do not support login with Facebook or Google accounts.

    How to register and log into Spotify?

    Registering on Spotify:

    -To ensure a smooth experience, we suggest registering on Spotify through your computer or mobile device first.

    -Once that's done, you can easily login to your account directly on the ActiveBuds.

    To log in to Spotify, please follow these steps:

    -When you are on the Spotify login page, scroll down slightly until you see a button with an underline that reads “Log in”.

    -From there, you should be able to log in using your email address and password.

    What is the method for adjusting the EQ using Spotify?

    Please ensure your iKKO Music app is the latest version available.

    If not, please follow these steps to update:

    1. Access IKKO Store

    2. Choose the iKKO Music.

    3. Install Update: Tap the update button, wait for completion, and clear old files.

    Once you've updated, you'll find that adjusting the EQ will influence both local music and Spotify playback.

    Our ActiveBuds are designed to modify the hardware of earbuds directly, hence, even when the earphones are connected to your smartphone, any EQ settings made on the charging case will be applied.

    Why can't I download the Spotify?

    -Please make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, and check if the network is running smoothly, as the ActiveBudsmay experience limited speed when downloading over WiFi.

    -Open the iKKO Store, find and download the Spotify.

    -If you have confirmed that you are connected to the network but still cannot download the Spotify, please try restarting ActiveBuds.

    Assistance Required?

    For additional support, please contact our customer service!

    📧 Emailsupport@ikkoaudio.com

  • How to see spotify stats
    To see your Spotify stats, use Spotify Wrapped for annual highlights. For detailed insights, try SpotiPie. Log in with Spotify to view your top tracks and hours listened. Artists use Spotify for Artists.


  • Have you hear about spotipie?  It gives you a comprehensive overview of your Spotify account, including listening habits, top tracks, and more.

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